
There's just so much Kyle anyone can take, but with new "toy" this time can be found to be greatly shortened.
Have you seen the MikeClock at the bottom of the list to the right? If you'd like to have it, just e-mail me for it and I will send it ASAP (as soon as poultry). More gadgets are to come as they ind their way in the crevasses of my mind. Any suggestions are more than welcome (although I don't promise anything).
By the way, the game is close to completion. All the programming is finished and now only drawings are left (too bad that's the slowest part in the process (the way I do it at least) ).

Rules, rules, rules. Rules are made to be broken, and if you can't break the rules, you break the bunny in a Nelson.

Yes, the bunny's back, back again. If you want to understand better you could read past strips in the archives.
We are currently trying out a webservice for comics at heymike.keenspace.com. If everything goes well we might pack up and stay there, only time will tell.

Spider-sense much? Somethings coming this way. It's furry, it's cuddly, and it lays...eggs?

Oh yes, spring, with its lovely weather, beautiful blooming flowers. Untimely showers.
For the first time ever you can see the comic in fernicolor, thanks to the new colorist and good friend of mine.

It's study time and everyone has their own personal system.
By the way that is the correct answer.

Apparently there seems to be someone with Kyle-o-phobia.

Hello Joseph! Just come in, you know you don't need no invitation, eh?

Yes, yes, yes. The rabbit is back, and the new found gun-mania of Kyle ma spice things up a bit.

Yes indeed, it is exam time and not only Mike here has problems finding a quiet place.
Back at it again

Sorry 'bout not updating lately, but the final-project-presentation season was on and it consumed much time. But now I'm back at it again.
The rabbit may come back. But he has a game to beat before that. The game should be ready and available by next Sunday, so come back then.
You can enjoy the first two FULLY functional levels now.
I just hope the exam season doesn't have that much impact (yeah right).